Seeds Deeds

Feeling good about doing something good every day.

My senior project for the post-grad course Interactive Media Management at Centennial College.

Seeds Deeds is a capstone project done for the Interactive Media Management post-grad program at Centennial College in Toronto, Canada. This project aims to create an app where people can be inspired by different types of good deeds, perform it and track it in a gamified way.


My Role: Project Manager & Product Designer
‍Tools: Pencil and paper, Figma,, Excel, Power point
‍Deliverables: Voice& tone, user theme, user flows, user journeys, wireframes, Scope, PERT, Budget, Tech Stack.
‍Duration: 4months
‍Team: Nilu Seneviratne | Renzo Carlos
‍Mentors: Gabriel Vieira | Fabio Zuppone

What you will see?

  1. The problem

  2. The solution

  3. The process

    Research | Personas | User flow & journey

    Sketch wireframes | Lo-fi wireframes | Hi-fi wireframes

  4. To conclude

1. The problem

A lot of people want to do something good to help change the world, but they don't know where to start.

2. The solution

A gamified app to inspire and record the good deeds that the user performs, as well as receives from others. The app exists to help people who are seeking changes in the world and the way we relate to each other, by making people feel grateful through small, kind and good acts.

3. The process

My”brain” on a whiteboard

My”brain” on a whiteboard


The process started with a survey of my problem definition, which showed me 12 of 14 respondents considered that this is a problem worth solving. After the problem definition had been validated, I looked for some competitors, to make a competitor analysis about functions, features, revenue models, business models and online presence.


With that in mind, it was time to think about my audience, do some research about who is going to use my app through survey and create the personas. By the survey's findings, I come up with
three personas:

Anna Ferreira.PNG
Eric Goldman.PNG
Large JPG-Aro Ha_0428.jpg
User Journey.png

User flow & journey

Once I had my audience, it was time to think about the journey. I started a brainstorm in a whiteboard with all the functions and some of the features. From this, I started to define the journey, and by that, I created the user flow bellow.


With the main function defined, I did a journey map of the user main journey, to identify opportunities and pain points, and to improve usability.


Sketch Wireframes

I started my wireframes with pen and paper, to visualize what I was imagining. After some screens I decided to change to Figma, to make it faster.


Lo-fi wireframes

After some screens I decided to changeto Figma, to make it faster.


Hi-fi wireframes

Adjustments made, and it was time to make the app pretty and with an engaging layout. I had a lot of difficult to decide the guideline and colors. I literally did this at this point, when I started the Hi-Fi doing some color tests.

4. To conclude

And now you can see the final product here

You can try the prototype here. 

In the prototype scenario, you have two options:

1. You can water your plant because you donated books to a library and you felt happy. In this case, you used a tag to find the deed.

2. You can nurture your plant with the sun because your boss baked cookies to you and you were super excited about it.

​Hope you enjoy it! I would love to know your thoughts!

Thank you.


Cabana Burger

